Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Slightly improved Rei

Improved it a bit, there's some mistakes in there that I am aware of, now that I'v tried to improve it. Lesson learned, moving on.

Monday, December 12, 2011

My first fictional portrait, I used the color palette from the photo of the little girl. Sort of makes it seem like the woman I painted is her mother or something. Gotta keep practicing.

"A Super-Human is anyone who refuses to be average" -Anonymous

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Current Project: A Realistic Rei

My current lil project, I haven't touched it in a few days. Mostly because I was trying to be a perfectionist, at my level, and I got frustrated. I need to do some hair practice and review the tutorials I got from ANI if I want to make this look good. I'm doing this specifically because I decided to watch the anime from all the noise about it, turned out to be the most interesting and at the same time, disturbing piece of Animation I have ever encountered. Even after the incredible Ani-Matrix. (No, I don't usually watch Anime)

Eva Berserk

Dunno, wanted to actually be an artistic artist for once and do something weird. Don't you feel the same way as my friend here sometimes?

3rd Portraits

My cousins, really wanted to push myself on this one, but the picture I took of them was really blurry. I had to basically half improvise their basic facial features from what I remembered. Not easy considering I only saw them once in my life so far. I decided to abandon it at this point because my skill level was wayyy too low to try and put in my own details. May revisit later on.

2nd Portrait

I did a portrait of my Mom, practice and a bit of sentimentalism in there.

Messing with shades

Just messing with shades and practicing my blending.

Valentines Card with a Shy Gentleman's touch

A Valentines Day card I made, myself, for someone I really liked. Unfortunately I wasn't ready to follow up, being shy an all. Anyways, the rose took me a long time, so it's on here.

First Paint

My first attempt at Digitally painting someone's portrait. This one was an honor, she is a good friend.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Pier with Shadows and Light source

Pier with added flat colours, notice I turned off the warehouse lights. Too many lights being the reason.
Project was to use a given lined artwork and turn it into a night scene with just one light source. I enjoyed this one the most.

A couple more projects

Character Design project I had


Gotta work on this one a little more, just need to figure out what I want the fore and mid ground to look like.

Operation Update

Neglected this thing for too long, time to give it some make up attention.

I've only ever had time to work on school projects, time management problems I guess. next set upcoming.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

So it begins....

And with my artwork being my first post, my blog as begun. Still iffy on my blog title, I wanted it to be different...

My celebrity caricature of Jackie Chan. I'm proud of it.